Snohomish County


The graphs below provide a snapshot of the current real estate trends in Snohomish County. You can compare the most recent month's trends with that same month one year ago, and two years ago. Looking at year-over-year statistics can provide some sense of the health of our market, however it is important to remember that there are always other factors and trends that influence these numbers. It's also important to keep in mind that real estate is hyper local. The overall picture of what's happening in the county may be different from what is happening in your specific neighborhood. Please contact me if you would like a more complete picture of our market, or further explanation of how the latest trends relate to you.

This graph helps to determine the trend of market supply and demand, and determine whether the current market is a seller or buyer market. Looking at a two-year history shows the seasonality of the real estate market.

  • For Sale numbers are the snapshot of the number of properties for sale at the end of the month.
  • Pended numbers represent the number of properties that went into "pending" status for that month.
  • New Listing numbers represent the number of properties that are newly listed for that month.
  • Sold numbers represent the number of properties that are sold for that month.

This graph helps to determine if there is any change in property value for a specific area. It also helps to determine whether the market is a buyer or seller market.

  • Average Price for Sale is the average of list price of the properties for sale in a particular month.
  • Average Price Sold is the average of sold price of the properties sold in a particular month.
  • Median Price Sold is the median of sold price of the properties sold in a particular month.

This graph helps to determine whether a market is a seller or buyer market. It shows us: if no new listings came to market, how long would it take to sell out of inventory. Zero to three months is considered a seller's market, three to six months is a balanced market, and anything above six months is considered a buyer's market.

  • Months of Inventory based on Pended Sales = the number of properties for sale divided by the number of properties pended in a given month.

This graph indicates how long it has taken to sell properties, as well as identify where the market activity is the strongest. These stats are helpful in identifying a good match for a buyer's price range.

  • CDOM = Continuous Days on Market: how long a property in on the market before it goes "pending".
  • SP/Original LP% = Sold Price compared to Original List Price: The percentage difference between the original listing price and the final sold price of the property.